Hungry for local deals? With Consumers Guide you can literally taste the savings...
At least our hungry horde of Bike-Riding Zombies can! 🧟♂️🧟
Each year, Myra and Amanda have worked with our Zombie Bike Ride committee by advertising our event to more than 50,000 homes and businesses in Yolo County and beyond!
ZOMBIE BIKE RIDE: We are going to have a blast this Halloween on Sunday, October 31, from 12-3pm with a bike ride along the Davis Bike Loop... where riders will encounter ZOMBIES! At 3pm, we will have a grand finale complete with SKYDIVING ZOMBIES coming down in Community Park! This will be followed by our Zombie Mash afterparty, put on by the Davis Downtown Business Association. Visit www.zombiebikeparade.com for details. 💚💚💚
We want to thank the producers of Consumers Guide for helping to make the Zombie Bike Ride a regional attraction!
CONSUMERS GUIDE: is a monthly print and online publication filled with value for today's bargain-conscious consumer. Each edition contains a diverse cross-section of businesses from each community they serve, including Davis and Woodland.
Local advertising with Consumers Guide is simple and there are many benefits to advertising. They offer direct mail advertisements at a low cost and provide free ad design and layout!

Consumers Guide is delivered to mailboxes, including residential apartments, and businesses. You can make minor changes to your ad every month with no cost to you. This feature gives you a great amount of flexibility in your advertising strategy all year long.
Your opportunity for monthly return on investment is increased substantially with a 30-DAY SHELF LIFE, unlike some other publications.
Myra and Amanda also print anything and everything, from business cards, banners, copies and more! Consumers Guide currently services the zones of Woodland, Davis, Arbuckle, Dunnigan, Zamora, Yolo, Knights Landing, Madison, Esparto, Capay, and Winters, plus online.

Call today to see how they can help your business execute a successful marketing campaign or contact them today to start your advertising. CONTACT:
Amanda & Myra
info@consumer-guide.com ADDRESS:
91 West Main St. Suite C
Woodland, CA 95695
Monday – Friday 11am-4pm.
Appointments preferred but not necessary
