Yolo County Supervisor Jim Provenza is a major sponsor of Davis' first ever Zombie Bike Parade. For Provenza it is all about supporting our community through focusing on children, so when he heard that the bike parade would benefit NorCal Tyrkers, whose mission is to provide custom tricycles to children with special needs, he was quick to become a top level sponsor. Provenza says "I support NorCal Trykers because the special trykes provided by the organization give children with special needs the same freedom and mobility as other children. They provide an opportunity to thrive for the cost of a tryke."
Provenza reminds us of a valuable quote:
"Neal Postman once said, `Children are a message we send to a future we will never see.` My passion on the Board of Supervisors is to assure that the message we send is that our community places children first and assures that every child has the opportunity to thrive and succeed."
Though Provenza is already very active in the community, advocating for groups such as Yolo County Children’s Alliance, First 5 Yolo, and the Children’s Therapy Center among others, he is sure to be seen the morning of Sunday, Oct. 20th at The Zombie Bike Parade. "I will be present; I think the parade is a fun way to raise money, and it also encourages everyone to get out and exercise. I urge everyone to support such fundraisers and programs for children." Provenza admits "I have not been in a bike parade before, but am adding biking to my normal exercise regimen of running and weight lifting."
Registration for the Zombie Bike Parade will begin Sunday, Oct. 20th at 10:00am, and the parade will start promptly at 11:30am. The parade will move along a 2.5 mile route that starts at Central Park, goes onto UCD campus, proceeds through Downtown Davis and ends back at Central Park. For those not interested dressing up as a zombie and riding in the parade, there will be plenty to do at Central Park. There will be food, drink and dessert for purchase as well as shopping opportunities for unique custom goods from dozens of vendors from the Davis Craft and Vintage Fair. Attendees can listen to live DJs, take pictures at a green screen photo booth and even witness a Michael Jackson "Thriller" flash mob. Provenza suggests to all event participants to "have fun and be safe! And don’t bite anyone!"
Along with supporting community events and campaigning for reelection Provenza has lots of fun with his young granddaughters, ages 7, 4 and 1. They plan to spend Halloween evening together walking his neighborhood.