Watermelon Music is a fiercely independent music store now located at the corner of Lake & Covell Blvds in west Davis, CA. Established in 1996 as Second Street Music, it has always been their goal to be the "go-to" place for musicians in Northern California.
The staff are extremely helpful, and well, amazing amateur actors 👻! Watch 3 of their 2021 Halloween shorts, and learn about some of their newest inventory. We are grateful to Watermelon Music for making sure we have the right sound equipment for the Zombie Bike Ride this year—They are letting us borrow high-quality speakers as a donation 🎉🎶🎃
A GHOST BASS??? nawww it’s just the AMPEG DanArmstrong Short Scale Bass! DISCLAIMER no guitars were harmed in the making of this video. Order online or over the phone for FREE local delivery!
The Jim Dunlopusa 920 StainlessSteel Tonebar! The perfect solution to your werewolf problem and the perfect slide for your Lap Steel! Order online or over the phone for FREE local delivery!
SPOOKY! Did you know we sell didgeridoos??? Order online or over the phone for FREE local delivery!
1970 Lake Blvd, Suite 1, Davis - CA - 95616
Temporary Hours Mon-Sat 10:00-6:00 - Sun 12:00-3:00